The subject of a lot of talk around the scratching post regards the level and sources of protein in cat food. Cats are carnivores that thrive on a diet rich in animal protein. All brands of cat food at Pet Pantry contain adequate levels of high-quality meat protein necessary for your cat’s good health.
Pet Pantry’s cat foods also are low in magnesium, which is important for the production of acidic urine; this ensures a healthy urinary tract.
In addition to food for your healthy adult cat, we offer varieties developed for kittens, old cats, and cats with special conditions such as allergies, sensitive stomachs, and tendency for hairballs.
Below you’ll see our most popular brands. If you would like to compare products, or have questions about food components, just ask our team—or click on the links below, which will take you directly to their company websites.
Premium Dry Foods
Raw Foods
Freeze-dried raw diets for dogs and cats:

Need Help?
Our staff wants to help your pet to be healthy and happy. Please reach out if you have any questions.
You can also check out our
Cat Food FAQs.
Q. Can Pet Pantry help me feed my two cats with a single food? One is very finicky and one eats too much!
A. Yes. Oftentimes we can help you find one food that both attracts your finicky cat and satisfies your overeating cat’s cravings. The key may be to increase the amount of meat protein. Since cats love meat, this choice is more likely to entice the finicky eater. The higher-protein food is also more likely to satisfy your “always-hungry” feline—thus causing him to eat less.
Sometimes the answer lies in the balance between wet and dry foods. Because of the extra water in wet food, wet food may be important in satisfying your cat’s appetite.
Q. Why are the levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids generally listed in the nutritional analysis?
A. Omega fatty acids are the essential for your cat’s good health. Adequate levels of Omega fatty acids provide for a healthy skin and a shiny coat. In addition, adequate omega fatty acids are thought to have anti-inflammatory effects and generally promote a long, healthy life.